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Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Pro Bono to Accumulate

Since my last update, I've been continuing to look at how to go about really setting up regular business for myself.  As already identified I need a zillion things to get me on my way:
- Reliable Digital SLR
- Lighting kit
- Bank Account
- Funding
- Premises/Space at home to work from
- Colourama & Rig
- Financial Position that's less risky?  i.e can I live on only small means without regular outgoings I've got to commit to?
I feel the rest of the necessary objects are things I have and would be able to create if the above were met.  So I've set up some serious deadlines for myself.  First up, to really get a true understanding of the funding game.  Initial searches show there are vast lists on funding if you'd like to play around with genetics, or build a wind farm but sadly there is little help for the more creative spheres.  I'd already set aside time to meet with people who are more in the know in this field than I, and until then I am really unable to report back with an educated response.

I was hoping to get some regular out-of-hours work with a recent job I was hired for, and since leaving time for the initial "Settle in" period, I've been going about pimping myself out to the people in my department I reckon would be in a viable position to agree work with.  I faced some quite high brick walls.  But never to have been able to take no for an answer (at least on first attempts anyway) I have ploughed on through re-reminding people that I am a photographer who is not only reliable and can shoot to any spec, but I'm prepared to work for free.  And my nagging has finally paid off.  I was given a gig.  Albeit a pro-bono one, but on I hope will lead me onto more regular work and eventually paid work.  It's going to be largely in events coverage, and I had forgotten how fun this can be without the pressure of the event being pre-fixed with a giant capital W!
I had a great time, and really feel that my voyeur gene was over-indulged.  This really is the style of photography that captures real human beings, being themselves.  It's amazing how a macro lens can take the edge off!

That being said, I am still not advocating any kind of a photograpahic career path in paparazzi!

I was shooting an auction event which took place over at The Shed in Gateshead.  It was coordinated by those lovely people at Volunteer Northumbria who work out in the local community to connect students who want to volunteer, and the people who could use their help.  This event was a fundraiser but still made those connections.  This time between artist Corinne Lewis-Book Sculpturer extraordinaire and friends of Volunteer Northumbria who came along to bid for pieces she had inspired local members of the community to create through a tutorial workshop.  The night was punctuated with the witty sounds of the Cobweb Orchestra.  Another great group of people who play together just for the fun of it, but ensure their sound is heard out and about in the local community.

                                            Here's hoping my good karma bank will start to debit my bank account


  1. Hello

    The book sculptures are actually belonging to Yvette Hawkins.

    See here:


    Please can you change this as soon as possible?


  2. ps Your photo's are really gorgeous. With your permission I'd like to use these on The Shed? I'm the manager there too. I will credit you of course. If you're interested email me at yvettehawkins@gateshead.gov.uk

    Thanks again.
